Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Last Hurrah

Today is the first of November.  11-01-11.  It hardly seems possible that the year is slipping away so quickly.

The harvest is nearly done and soon the fields will sleep for the winter. The trees have once again put on their annual finery and soon, they will shed their colors and sleep as well.

Autumn is by far, my favorite time of year, and soon the sun will be low in the sky, bathing everything in wonderful golden light.  My favorite time of day and my favorite time of year.

Each evening now, just around dusk, the geese will be flying over our house, honking and heading North, towards the lake.  It is something I look forward to, and I will  miss once they find their wintering grounds.

Somewhere in the yard, the years last cricket is trilling.  The squirrels are working overtime, and the birds are gathering in the trees.  The ice cream truck is giving it one last shot before tomorrow's cold.

I will be sad to see this glorious day end, but such is November.  We have been so lucky this year to have had summer stay as long as it has, and Autumn be so kind. 

I am outside even now, sitting on the patio, unwilling to miss a single minute of this last beautiful day...in a few short weeks, there will be snow on this very table.

Let winter come, as it must, to blanket the land in white.  Let it fill the cracks in the yard and melt into puddles and streams , the streams into creeks and rivers.  Let the rivers flow into ponds and lakes as it should, and renew the earth in the spring.

I have today to remember.