Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wow--has it really been since November since I last posted?  It hardly seems possible.

I don't know where the time has gone, or what I have done the past few months (okay, so I lied--I've done LOTS of things--work, mainly)

Now that Spring is finally here, I have taken to sitting outside as much as I possibly can.  Being cooped up inside for months on end is wearing, and I am one who needs the fresh outdoor air.

Nothing is as calming to me as sitting in  my housecoat on the front steps watching the sun come up and listening to the cattle on nearby farms and the traffic out on the highway.  Birdsong is much more melodic than anything on the radio at that early hour.

Many mornings I have simply sat and watched the prisims of light that bounce off the dew on the blades of grass and breathed in the cool, dewey air.  Quiet mornings, wrapped in a blanket are one of life's simple pleasures to be treasured.