Sunday, March 27, 2011

outdoor laundry

I washed the bedlinens and hung them outdoors to dry for the first time this year.  It's beautiful and sunny (and still cold) and perfect for outdoor laundry.

I don't think there is anything in the world that compare to the wonderful smell of freshly laundered sheets that have  blown dry in the breeze.

Anything dried in the dryer just smells like it's been dried in the dryer--I don't care how many millions of dollars have been invested or how many noses have been recruited in making a decent dryer sheet that supposedly 'smells like the fresh outdoors'--if you want your clothes to smell like the outdoors, then HANG THEM OUTDOORS TO DRY--duh--

I can't believe what I heard a few months ago--some town in the East is drying to ban clotheslines and is wanting to prohibit people hanging their laundry out--the reasoning behind this?  Someone was complaining because they didn't want to have to look at their neighbor's underwear.

Oh pleeeese--give me a break!

Well, my neighbors are pretty much used to having to look at my underwear hanging out on the line--along with my sheets, my towels, my jeans and just about anything else that goes through the wash.

I don't understand why people don't hang things out like they used to--then listen to them complain about their  utility bill--

Oh well, it's their money--I just wish I could get them to look before they burn their weeds and leaves, but I like that smell too...

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Yes!  It stormed this morning!

I LOVE Thunderstorms--no, not the destructive kind that come with wind and tornadoes, rather the soft rumbly kind that bring rain.

I don't really have anything against a good light show--personally, I don't think there is a fireworks display on Earth that can come close to Mother Nature's fireworks--especially on a summer night.

There is nothing like sitting in your favorite chair on the porch, or snuggling warm and dry in bed and listening to the rumble and the sound of rain on the roof.  It's one of life's simple pleasures and one to be treasured and looked forward to all through the long, cold, depressing winter months.

Robins are EVERYWHERE now, and the grass is changing it's clothes from winter brown to spring green.  I'm sure that SOMEWHERE Crocuses and Daffodils and maybe even some brave Tulips have started to push their way towards the the woods, maybe even some Jack-In-The-Pulpits.  Can the Morels be far behind?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Daylight Savings Time

I saw my first Robin of the year yesterday, so Spring is close at hand.

This is a good thing, but--

Every year I am moved to distraction at the onset of one of our Government's most ludicrous ideas:  DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME.

I simply can NOT see any practical purpose whatsoever for this.  Why, when the days are longer already, so we have to set the clocks ahead for more daylight and mess with everyone's schedules.  This is a gigantic waste of time and effort, and for what?

If the Government feels so inclined to complicate and involve themselves with the American Public (and it's only going to get worse, folks) then why don't they set the clocks ahead in the WINTER TIME when we could actually USE another hours' daylight for our day-to-day doings?  THAT would make sense, that's why...

ARRRGGHHH!  This is MOST aggrivating and rediculous.

Sometimes I wish I lived in Arizona.  (for more reasons than no Daylight Savings Time there...)