Saturday, March 12, 2011

Daylight Savings Time

I saw my first Robin of the year yesterday, so Spring is close at hand.

This is a good thing, but--

Every year I am moved to distraction at the onset of one of our Government's most ludicrous ideas:  DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME.

I simply can NOT see any practical purpose whatsoever for this.  Why, when the days are longer already, so we have to set the clocks ahead for more daylight and mess with everyone's schedules.  This is a gigantic waste of time and effort, and for what?

If the Government feels so inclined to complicate and involve themselves with the American Public (and it's only going to get worse, folks) then why don't they set the clocks ahead in the WINTER TIME when we could actually USE another hours' daylight for our day-to-day doings?  THAT would make sense, that's why...

ARRRGGHHH!  This is MOST aggrivating and rediculous.

Sometimes I wish I lived in Arizona.  (for more reasons than no Daylight Savings Time there...)

1 comment:

  1. No daylight savings time in Arizona? I think there is a state on the east coast that is like that too but I am not sure which one it is. I know it isn't New York because we are definitely an hour ahead yet again.

    I don't mind DLST so much. At least the days are longer. During the winter I want to stay in regardless of what time it is so I am indifferent I guess. In the winter, I want to sleep and carbo load. Hence seasonal disorder.

    Oh well, Im not dwelling on nasty snow and winter anymore! Its suppose to be 65 here friday!
