Sunday, March 27, 2011

outdoor laundry

I washed the bedlinens and hung them outdoors to dry for the first time this year.  It's beautiful and sunny (and still cold) and perfect for outdoor laundry.

I don't think there is anything in the world that compare to the wonderful smell of freshly laundered sheets that have  blown dry in the breeze.

Anything dried in the dryer just smells like it's been dried in the dryer--I don't care how many millions of dollars have been invested or how many noses have been recruited in making a decent dryer sheet that supposedly 'smells like the fresh outdoors'--if you want your clothes to smell like the outdoors, then HANG THEM OUTDOORS TO DRY--duh--

I can't believe what I heard a few months ago--some town in the East is drying to ban clotheslines and is wanting to prohibit people hanging their laundry out--the reasoning behind this?  Someone was complaining because they didn't want to have to look at their neighbor's underwear.

Oh pleeeese--give me a break!

Well, my neighbors are pretty much used to having to look at my underwear hanging out on the line--along with my sheets, my towels, my jeans and just about anything else that goes through the wash.

I don't understand why people don't hang things out like they used to--then listen to them complain about their  utility bill--

Oh well, it's their money--I just wish I could get them to look before they burn their weeds and leaves, but I like that smell too...


  1. I wish we could hang laundry out here but its such a dirty place. We'd hang out the clothes and have to wash them again because of the dirt they would attract.

    And personally, I'll dry my unmentionables inside, the rest can be outside!

  2. you have not blogged in 2 months! What's the deal?!
